Obedience Training

Patty L Pampered Pets hosts entry level obedience training classes. This class is open to all breeds, all ages and all temperaments. The session will consist of 5 classes. Each class is a minimum of 2 hours, but usually lasts closer to 3 hours depending on the type of class.

The first four classes are located at Patty L Pampered Pets. If the weather allows it, the final graduation class is located at the downtown Farmer’s Market (weather permitting.)

Registration for each dog is $500. If you’re interested in signing up, a $100 deposit is required to reserve your spot. There is a dog limit and enrollment will be treated on a first come, first serve basis.

Things that will be covered in the class:

Basic and Advanced commands (sit, stay, leave it – we will specifically work with the dog’s favorite toy or their weakest link. Teaching them to stay out of the trash or staying away from the raw chicken you accidentally dropped while cooking in the kitchen are real life examples that are critical for your dog to know for their own safety — as well as others around you!)

Walking on a leash without pulling. This is so important. By the time we’re done, my 4 year old grandson will be able to walk all of your dogs.

Basic agility obstacles. This concept allows for a little bit of fun, but will bring out any weaknesses or dominance that your dog may still have in them.

Socialization with other dogs ( We will mainly focus on how to interact with other dogs while on a leash. As an owner/handler, knowing how to handle dogs greeting each other is important. You’re responsible for shielding unwelcome guests. All of these skills are important and will be addressed.)

To find out dates and times of classes, please reach out to us at PattyLPamperedPets@gmail.com